The New Dungeon on its Way!

We (Galactic Slice) are excited to say our first dungeon is on its way! We are calling it the Mines. In the Mines, you will be able to find crystals to harvest, a new enemy to encounter, and weapons/armor to find! Let's do a little rundown on this big update coming very soon.


In order to make things more fun and enjoyable, we are introducing equipment that players can equip and upgrade to further buff your heroes. Crates/barrels will consist of either a sword, helmet, or chest-plate for the time being as we squash bugs. You will find a Blacksmith before you enter the Mines that will upgrade weapons/armor for the price of gems. Upgrade has its limits based off the weapon/armor presented as every equipment have randomly generated values based off the enemy's base level. There are chances you will find a strong weapon with low upgrade potential or a weak weapon with high upgrade potential. Let the looting game begin.

New Enemy: Flan

Mr. Flan can only be found in the Mines, but he is a nasty little fella that will... I will save the spoilers for when you find out why he is annoying...


This is a new form of interaction where you spend turns breaking objects in order to gain loot. The system works with the player outputting 1 damage to the object on purpose to allow enemies to move. Still early in testing this feature so we would love to hear if you enjoy bats swarming around you as you break a crate to find a shiny helmet.


Quality of life features will be the main focus after boss battles release the following weak after (fingers crossed). We would love to hear what you feel needs to be addressed as far as what the game currently has.

OneBit on PC

We have the need to present this game to anyone and we understand iOS users want to play the game, yetthe trip to iOS will not happen until early 2020. We will be working on getting a PC port soon so those that want to play it can play it. The PC version will have it's own rankings separate from the mobile version to keep things in check. Our goal for the PC version is limited since the game uses a premium currency for reviving.  The decision stands to be a 1 life run along with saving stats on the server rather than on PC. This may take some time to get up and running, but we will be sure to scream about it everywhere. Although the PC version will not get frequent updates for reasonable reasons, it will be free.

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